
Aminet Sites
        You can ftp the latest version from Aminet, if you have an internet
        account. The file is in the directory /pub/aminet/docs/hyper, with
        the name ACDGv??.lha, with '??' replaced by the version number. 
        Aminet is mirrored at several diffrent sites, for example, and .

UUencoded email
        If you want the latest version uuencoded in your email box on the day
        it is released, drop me an email ( If you want
        the current release, you can also send me an email.

        If you have a web-browser like AWeb, Voyager, IBrowse or Alynx (Alynx 
        works fine, as there isn't much graphics), you can access a more 
        updated version of the guide via WWW. Go to         Norway

        If you havn't got Internet access, but would like to get the current
        release, you can send me 2 International Reply Coupons (ask at your
        local post-office). I will then send you a disk containing the 
        current release, or the next if you specify that. You don't have to
        send a disk, just the 2 coupons.
          If you send me some info about CD-ROMs (reviews etc), I will send it
        for free! (You don't have to enclose the 2 coupons.)

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Converted on 22 Aug 1996 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML by Michael Ranner.